Hie, my name is Musawenkosi Ngulube aka Mkay the Prinzess (not a spelling error, but creativity at its best) of music. I’m a young woman aged 24 years, short, cute, funny and super creative. I am very sociable and sensitive. I am the 1st born in a family of 5 children and education wise I have attained a complete O'level certificate. I started singing when I was 12 years old and have kept song-writing as my most loved hobby. I will be performing on the Starbrite show 2015 and like the saying goes “Started from the bottom now we here! “ .The journey has been challenging, educative, fun and full of self-introspection. I am grateful for such a great opportunity, to be able to realise my full potential as an artist and I look forward to fireworks at the finals.
On the first day the 20th of November upon arrival at the venue at Mabvazuva village the atmosphere was calm but i was expecting the whole weekend to be filled with surprises. After being addressed we had a fabulous lunch and we proceeded to work at our various work stations.
Our 1st motivational speaker was our beloved Coach TB who spoke about changing the way we look at life. I learnt that life is mostly about time, where we have branches like knowledge, skills, efforts, choices, abilities and money. Attitude is also key and important factor as well as personality in reference to how you carry yourself as this determines your success or failure in your music career.
On day two, we woke up before 5 am to exercise. After our minds were put to work by Ms. Nyerenda-Chimuka from Milestone Communications, she taught us on grooming and etiquette. As an emerging star one has to be clean, well-mannered and polite and know how to interact with people. Rehearsals, video shoots and internet work stations were busy.
Later on in the day we had the pleasure of meeting Hope Masike as well as a representative from Music Cross roads who highlighted that clearly music with no originality is empty. We were also graced by the presence of Rabson Shumba and Cynthia Mare. Mr Shumba taught us not to procrastinate but Play to Win! .I learnt that we hinder ourselves, with our attitude, indiscipline, bad thoughts, lack of originality, and short-sightedness. We are who we perceive. Miss Mare on the other hand taught us about being passionate about music and also being true to you. Find yourself and be true to you and your music.
Last but not least, we had the wonderful pleasure of meeting and interacting with Cindy Munyavi a star in her own right. She told us to take ourselves seriously, work hard, do or die, how you view yourself is key and that talent is a bonus. Mr Mutsago also taught us how to go about social media and also that we should not be afraid to use as many means as possible to get attention for our music. I also enjoyed my photo shoot with Mr Mutsago.
On the third day we had the opportunity to have a one on one talk with Mr Mpariwa, which for me personally was informative and very relieving as I was free to express all I am when it comes to music. All in all, I am now super confident with my gift, equipped with solid information.
We were treated like stars and artists as evidenced from the superb accommodation and food. Thank you StarBrite, for indeed you are making me SHINE!!!!