Jonah Mungoshi, the Success Coach, is a transformational leadership practitioner who specializes in assisting executive management to build high performance teams and transform organizational cultures. He is a world-class communicator whose achievements in this regard include the following:
- 3rd Best Public Speaker in the World – Toastmasters International 2002
- 2nd Best Public Speaker outside North America – 2003
- Best Public Speaker in Africa – 2002 & 2003
- Impromptu Speech Champion for Africa – 2001 & 2003
Jonah is the managing director of Power of Purpose (Pvt.) Ltd., a Zimbabwean based leadership Development Company. He sits on the boards of the Information Technology and Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA) based in South Africa and Steward Bank in Zimbabwe. He is a founding member of the International Association of Coaches (IAC). In the 90s Jonah participated in the StarBrite competition as they sang “Nhasi kune muchato”.
In September 2007 Jonah was selected as one of ten Zimbabweans who received awards for the Ten Outstanding Young Zimbabweans organized by the Junior Chamber International (JCI) organization.
Jonah had two columns in the Financial Gazette, entitled Think Big and Success Unlimited. He has also authored and published a life-changing motivational book entitled Success Unlimited. His works have also been published in the Zimbabwe Institute of Management quarterly Management News and in the Toastmasters International™ Magazine.
In April 2003 he delivered a continuous 36 hour public speech in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the Longest Public Speech. He has toured and delivered presentations in many countries including South Africa, Zambia, Ethiopia, Mauritius, USA and UK.
Jonah has also facilitated workshops, provided training and keynote speeches to many organizations including the following: Ernst and Young (Zimbabwe), USAID, Africa Sun Leisure Group, Metropolitan Bank (Zimbabwe), British Council, FBC Bank, South African Airways, Rainbow Tourism Group, WK Kellogg Foundation (SA), Toyota Offices (USA), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (USA).
He has over 20 years corporate management experience mostly working for financial institutions, rising through the ranks to occupy the position Executive Director before venturing out as an entrepreneur.
Jonah’s life purpose is “to help people discover their potential and create wealth.”